Century Land Surveying, LLC is happy to provide excellent services to our commercial and residential clients on all of their projects. Here are just a few of the hundreds of projects we complete each year.
CLS working at the Lynn Family Stadium that hosts the Louisville City Soccer TeamALTA survey on Eastern Parkway Century Land Surveying, Louisville, KentuckyALTA survey on Eastern Parkway Century Land Surveying, Louisville, Kentucky Historic AreaJason Graves, Professional Licensed Land Surveyor, found this historic stone while surveying on Southern Parkway in South Louisville. Century Land SurveyingCentury Land Surveying was hired to monitor the Old Forester Distillery in Downtown Louisville for deformation.Century Land Surveying was hired to monitor the Old Forester Distillery in Downtown Louisville for deformation.Century Land Surveying was hired to monitor the Old Forester Distillery in Downtown Louisville for deformation.Century Land Surveying was hired to monitor the Old Forester Distillery in Downtown Louisville for deformation.Century Land Surveying was hired to monitor the Old Forester Distillery in Downtown Louisville for deformation.Jason Graves, Professional Licensed Surveyor, in the Buffalo Trace reenactment. Historical Surveyors, Old Louisville, Highlands, DowntownCentury Land Surveying did the concrete layout for the CGB Barge Terminal in Brandenburg, Kentucky on the Ohio River..Century Land Surveying did the concrete layout for the CGB Barge Terminal in Brandenburg, Kentucky on the Ohio River..Century Land Surveying did the concrete layout for the CGB Barge Terminal in Brandenburg, Kentucky on the Ohio River. Layout for Airport LightingLayout for Airport Lighting