Century Land Surveying, LLC offers a full range of surveying services. We are fully insured with professional, general, and workers’ compensation insurance. To determine which service fits your needs, please read on, and feel free to call us to discuss your next project!

Boundary Survey
This is a comprehensive survey, sometimes called a “stake” survey, which is based on our opinion of where property corners and lines are located. We will locate any major improvements and dimensions them to the property lines, as determined by the surveyor. You can use this document to transfer land, build improvements and it can be used in a court of law. Please remember that surveyors can offer only their opinion on where property lines and corners are located.
Easements: We can retrace easements, or create the drawing for which the easement is based on for private individuals or utility companies, such as LG&E and AT&T.
Elevation certificate: Sometimes referred to as a flood certificate. This is needed by lenders to verify whether your house, and/or property is located in a flood hazard area, as determined by F.E.M.A.
Land division: Commonly referred to as a Minor Plat. This will consist of division of property. In Jefferson County, this is a time and labor intensive process and agency approval is not guaranteed. We will always strive to complete our portion of the work in a timely matter.
Mortgage inspection: The purpose of a mortgage inspection is to obtain title insurance. A boundary survey is not performed and a mortgage inspection should not be used to build any improvements.